Bloody Brexit

So with apologies to Captain Hamish Blair who’s poem, the Bloody Orkneys was the inspiration for this head melt. Give it a read I’ve added a link, it’s very funny in a cranky, end of my tether kind of way, speaking of which…

Bloody Brexit

Here’s a bloody Eaton mess,

Outcome? Anybody’s guess,

As we try to sort EU egress,

because of bloody Brexit.

For eurosceptic bloody Tories,

with latin bloody allegories,

and xenophobic bloody stories,

clammer for bloody Brexit.

Then Nigel quaffs his bloody beer,

complaining of Project Bloody Fear,

and bloody migrants over here,

He too, wants bloody Brexit.

Listening to this bloody din,

Cameron just caves bloody in,

Now look at the state we’re bloody in,

Because of bloody Brexit.

The promise on that bloody bus,

was nothing but a bloody russ,

to fool and hoodwink bloody us,

to vote for bloody Brexit.

That bloody vote was a bloody joke,

It’ll leave the country bloody broke,

The hardest hit are ordinary folk,

because of bloody Brexit.

So Teresa makes a last ditch appeal,

to back the bloody backstop deal,

but it’s been her Achilles bloody heel,

for a harder bloody Brexit.

And Corbyn’s just the bloody same,

No bloody difference in his bloody game,

it would just be a change of bloody name,

if he ran bloody Brexit.

Meanwhile Rees-Mogg fears vote Remain,

It’s the strongest threat to his capital gain,

His profit margin will be bloody profane,

if he succeeds with bloody Brexit.

The calls from ‘Leave’ are bloody erratic,

Calling a second vote undemocratic,

but they have cash in the bloody attic,

to cushion them from bloody Brexit.

Parliament can’t bloody choose,

no bloody winners, we all will loose

I think I’ll hit the bloody booze,

to forget about bloody Brexit!

Bloody Brexit Image by Losing the Plot, Ripped EU flag exposing the Union Flag behind, Pinnable image


  1. Well, I thought this week was quite interesting really, including as it did some rather ticklish constitutional and parliamentary conundra of the most abstruse and unexpectedly convoluted kind. It’s also a monumental fuck up. So at least there’s some balance. Great poem, Plot. Showing some real passion there. Maybe we should try and bottle Plot though, given the tone, it would be a brave soul who took on the responsibility of trying to put Plot’s cork back in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • i can actually understand why people voted the way they did, even if I don’t agree, but my word what a clusterfuck it has turned out to be. Im no fan of politicians, and yea, it would be a brave soul – or a stupid one who would try that 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Bloody brilliant…the poem, not the situation obviously (which is a bloody shambles and too depressing to bear thinking about really). Thank God I’m married to a EU citizen or I’d be seriously worried about my right to residency here in France.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Listening to our farmers and manufacturers nearly all of whom have really tight links to the RoI, this is set to be absolutely catastrophic for us in NI. I appreciate that the situation is pretty grim everywhere.

      Laughing at it probably is inappropriate, but it feels like the only tool left for dealing with weight of despair.

      Liked by 1 person

    • 😆 thank you, there’s nothing like a good rant to make you feel better!

      Ha! I have never submitted anything I’d need to grow a set lol! But I’m glad you liked it!

      Liked by 1 person

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